Light Circuitry Painting - Chibitronics, MakeCode and wading into the deep end of art and ed tech


Currently I am teaching a second small group of GATE students how to do this, and it's A LOT.  Some of my students have taken to the hardware building but not the coding, and vice versa. Some students now code block from Scratch, one knows JavaScript and others have no experience with these programs or programming languages at all (myself included when I began).  
As a teacher, there are times when tech can really thrust you forward and force you into uncomfortable places.  That is okay, as an art teacher I know that means I'm learning and that will (eventually) translate to my students.  We were very fortunate to do this project, as the kits for each students are $100 each, and some supplements and additional costs (like batteries) can also make it tough to do.  The kids are absolutely loving this experience; it gives them so much confidence and teaches them how to persist through problems and find their solutions.  I know we are making headway in the project as students are starting to work together, teach each and teach me too :)